
The PolyMesh widget represents a triangle-based unstructured mesh.

You can either load a mesh from a vtk file (needs the vtk library installed), or manually populate the vertices and triangle data.


Load from a vtk file:

from ipygany import Scene, PolyMesh

mesh = PolyMesh.from_vtk('assets/fastscapelib_topo.vtk')

scene = Scene([mesh])

Load from memory:

import numpy as np

# Create triangle indices
nx = 100
ny = 100

triangle_indices = np.empty((ny - 1, nx - 1, 2, 3), dtype=int)

r = np.arange(nx * ny).reshape(ny, nx)

triangle_indices[:, :, 0, 0] = r[:-1, :-1]
triangle_indices[:, :, 1, 0] = r[:-1, 1:]
triangle_indices[:, :, 0, 1] = r[:-1, 1:]

triangle_indices[:, :, 1, 1] = r[1:, 1:]
triangle_indices[:, :, :, 2] = r[1:, :-1, None]

triangle_indices.shape = (-1, 3)

# Create vertices
x = np.arange(-5, 5, 10/nx)
y = np.arange(-5, 5, 10/ny)

xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y, sparse=True)

z = np.sin(xx**2 + yy**2) / (xx**2 + yy**2)

vertices = np.empty((ny, nx, 3))
vertices[:, :, 0] = xx
vertices[:, :, 1] = yy
vertices[:, :, 2] = z
vertices = vertices.reshape(nx * ny, 3)

mesh = PolyMesh(

scene = Scene([mesh])